The Compulsory Wearing of Masks, AFTER the Infection Peak, when Oxford vaccine researchers are saying that THE VIRUS IS DISAPPEARING SO FAST, THE VACCINE MIGHT BE USELESS, means one of two things; those in charge are either incompetent or malign, or quite probably both.
So the terrifying of the population by media complicity in disseminating political propaganda, works counter to the prosperity of the economy, it works against public health & not for it, it gives the authorities more power than they deserve to have, & convinces the telly-goggling majority that they have to give up their liberties for increased safety, a deal which always ends up with the population having neither security nor liberty.
Orwell was right, people will step willingly into their chains.
Saturday, late afternoon, the remanants of a cup of coffee have gone cold, the fire is warm, making the room seem cosier than it would otherwise be. The rain is intermittent, but a downpour is sure to come. Got a stinker of a cold, so informed Deacon that unfortunately, I won't be attending service tomorrow.
Going to have a nice hot meal, of roast beef, potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic & herbs, with a side of steamed savoy cabbage, done over the pan of pot's.
I think a hot bath and early bed, are definitely on the cards for tonight, I'll read until I can't, then I'll put out the light & go to sleep. I've got cocoa, so a big mug of steaming hot cocoa beteween exiting the bath & going to bed, will be a nice way to end the evening.
I hope you are well & remembering to live, as well as being the worker/fixer/boss/co-owner/whatever. We must be mindful of the welfare of others, at all times, at all times except when we need to put ourselves first, temporarily, when it's time to recharge ...