Bucha - The Atrocity That Never Was..
.The timeline is all wrong, when the mayor of Bucha went into the streets & made his staement to camera that Bucha had been "liberated" by Ukranian forces who waited until the Russians had left before they began their propaganda campaign, there were no bodies in the streets.
Sky News published today a satellite photo allegedly taken before the Russians had entirely left the district, showing, apparently, dead bodies in the streets.
So, if that's true, what did they do with the bodies between the Russians leaving & the mayor's speech in the same street shown over & over again in western media?
It looks like they had bodies in the streets, moved them, maybe buried some of them, then dug them up, retrieved them from wherever they'd stashed them & put them back, but not quite the same bodies in the same places, indicating that a vast fabrication has taken place & is being forced down the throats of western media viewers.
Saturday, late afternoon, the remanants of a cup of coffee have gone cold, the fire is warm, making the room seem cosier than it would otherwise be. The rain is intermittent, but a downpour is sure to come. Got a stinker of a cold, so informed Deacon that unfortunately, I won't be attending service tomorrow.
Going to have a nice hot meal, of roast beef, potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic & herbs, with a side of steamed savoy cabbage, done over the pan of pot's.
I think a hot bath and early bed, are definitely on the cards for tonight, I'll read until I can't, then I'll put out the light & go to sleep. I've got cocoa, so a big mug of steaming hot cocoa beteween exiting the bath & going to bed, will be a nice way to end the evening.
I hope you are well & remembering to live, as well as being the worker/fixer/boss/co-owner/whatever. We must be mindful of the welfare of others, at all times, at all times except when we need to put ourselves first, temporarily, when it's time to recharge ...