..Unfortunately, politics is utterly corrupt. They All work for the machine, the machine is the consensus of all the most powerful & richest people/families/companies, most of whom represent themselves through the likes of the WEF, Club of Rome, DAVOS & the Bilderberg Group, Blackrock+, the Federal Reserve, IMF, World Bank, NATO & the US MIC... The list is quite long, The Commitee of 300, is probably the least well known & the most powerful of them all.
Those who try to work against the machine, get burned, generally speaking.
The various, popular political brands; left, right, liberal, conservative, democrat, republican, are all constructs of the machine. It's a political hydra, so it has many faces, but speaks from & for the same evil core.
The machine doesn't care about human lives, in fact it's hard to say if it cares about anything other than perpetuating itself. To that end, so called, " Ai" will be getting used more & more, to falsify reality even more, & more convincingly, than THEY can currently manage.
The idea is to confuse & distract, to misinform & uninform, to miseducate & misdirect, so that coherent dissent is ever harder to articulate, especially when the sentences are constantly interrupted by useless, non-grammatical inserts, to wit, the cretinous; "like".. & the equally stupid.."speaking as a _________" & similar imbecilities, all designed to reduce people's ability to comprehensively articulate their grievances, in such a way as to negate any dismissal on grounds of opacity &/or incoherence. Enjoy your Hunger Games..
Saturday, late afternoon, the remanants of a cup of coffee have gone cold, the fire is warm, making the room seem cosier than it would otherwise be. The rain is intermittent, but a downpour is sure to come. Got a stinker of a cold, so informed Deacon that unfortunately, I won't be attending service tomorrow.
Going to have a nice hot meal, of roast beef, potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic & herbs, with a side of steamed savoy cabbage, done over the pan of pot's.
I think a hot bath and early bed, are definitely on the cards for tonight, I'll read until I can't, then I'll put out the light & go to sleep. I've got cocoa, so a big mug of steaming hot cocoa beteween exiting the bath & going to bed, will be a nice way to end the evening.
I hope you are well & remembering to live, as well as being the worker/fixer/boss/co-owner/whatever. We must be mindful of the welfare of others, at all times, at all times except when we need to put ourselves first, temporarily, when it's time to recharge ...