The Agora
Conservative/Libertarian Conservative Community of Bloggers, Writers. Authors. Commentators, Sharing/Arguing/Discussing?Debating anything & everything, until the bovine species returns to its domicile.
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Things that Make me Despair..

They're now making dolls, already with masks & face-shields on in the box. They're also marketing the jab to wee ones, this little girls is playing with a nurse's injection set with a toy 'syringe'! .. Can't 'ordinary' folks see where this is going?

Straight to Hell, in a handcart full of rules & regulations. I'll give it it's real name, Marxist/Leninist Communism.

This time the corporations also want to play, which gives rise to memories of watching fascists, real ones, like Benito Mussolini, on the TV..

That'll be an interesting interface, between the Fascists who want the private sector to run with only the regulations that the fascists themselves impose & the Communists who want the private sector abolished & the state to take over everything, in the name of the 'ordinary' people, the famous "proletariat"..

"Prole" is a shortened version of another word for "Serf", & the collective, plural case is used, to provide the true meaning of the term. So, the class-strata we might call "working class", would be a good translation. Watch this Space..

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The Week's End..

Saturday, late afternoon, the remanants of a cup of coffee have gone cold, the fire is warm, making the room seem cosier than it would otherwise be. The rain is intermittent, but a downpour is sure to come. Got a stinker of a cold, so informed Deacon that unfortunately, I won't be attending service tomorrow.

Going to have a nice hot meal, of roast beef, potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic & herbs, with a side of steamed savoy cabbage, done over the pan of pot's.

I think a hot bath and early bed, are definitely on the cards for tonight, I'll read until I can't, then I'll put out the light & go to sleep. I've got cocoa, so a big mug of steaming hot cocoa beteween exiting the bath & going to bed, will be a nice way to end the evening.

I hope you are well & remembering to live, as well as being the worker/fixer/boss/co-owner/whatever. We must be mindful of the welfare of others, at all times, at all times except when we need to put ourselves first, temporarily, when it's time to recharge ...

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